Artist Introduction or Biography

Tips for writing an artist introduction or biography text, taking into account different conventions of different art fields. 

By Laura Lehtinen, Sade Kahra and Sirpa Lahti, University of the Arts Helsinki

Why Do You Need an Artist Introduction? 

Artist introductions are needed for different situations and purposes, and they may have slightly different objectives. Artists needs to introduce themselves and their work to the gatekeepers of the art world, for example, in various applications, as well as to the public, for example, on their website or in the marketing material of an event. The same biography may not suit all situations, so it might be necessary to create different versions of the text for different purposes.   

Artist Introduction, Biography and Artist Statement 

There are slight differences between how artists of different disciplines introduce themselves. To put it simply, in fine arts, artists typically introduce themselves with a separate biography and an artist statement, whereas in other disciplines it’s typical to write only one text that covers the content of both text types.  

A biography is typically a short text describing the artist’s credentials and merits. The text focuses on the artists’ recognitions and work, such as major concerts, exhibitions, performances, awards, grants and other achievements in the field, as well as education. 

In contrast, an artist statement is the artist’s own, more personal text, in which they explain the roots of their artistic work, working methods, influences, etc. Sometimes the bio and artist statement are presented one on top of the other. When an artist is at the beginning of their career and does not have many merits yet, the biography may introduce some characteristics and specializations of their artistic work.  

In music and performing arts, an artist introduction may be a combination of a biography and an artist statement. In addition to achievements and credentials, the artist might introduce their creative or pedagogical philosophy, working methods or sources of inspiration, and career plans. These guidelines advise you to write an artist introduction that combines features of a conventional biography with an artist statement.  

Formal Guidelines   

If you write an artist introduction for your own website, you have total liberty in terms of format and length. However, if you write the text for a concert or show programme, exhibition catalogue or event or festival marketing materials, the introduction is typically concise and in line with the texts of other artists. The text is usually 60 to 100 words long and written in third person (she/he/they), not in first person (I/we). A short biography or artist introduction contains one or two paragraphs of text. 

How to Write an Artist Introduction? 

Before you write an artist introduction, consider who is going to read it. If you’re writing the text for an application, you can safely assume that the reader is an expert in your artistic discipline and knows the concepts and names you mention in the text. However, if you write the introduction for the public, it’s best not to fill the text with specialist jargon or long lists of names and places. Also bear in mind that international readers may not be familiar with the arts institutions of your home country. Lists of names don’t tell the full story of you as an artist.  

TIP: Ask a non-expert to read the text to make sure that it’s understandable for those who are not entirely familiar with your artistic discipline.  

Questions to Help Your Write an Artist Introduction  

The following questions might help you to outline the content of your artist introduction.  
Note that in fine arts, the biography and the artist statement are typically kept as separate texts. In other fields, their contents can be written within the same text.  Read more about how to write an artist statement here (hyperlink). 

Biography: Presentation of Merits 

  • Which artistic disciplines do you specialize in? Which media do you work with? 
  • What are your most significant projects or works of art so far?  
  • Where has your work been exhibited or performed?  
  • Which organizations have supported or awarded your work? 
  • What kind of education or training do you have? 
  • Other Artistic Work and Creative Philosophy
  • What kind of environments do you work in (mostly, best…)?  
  • What fascinates or inspires you (about your discipline)? Why?  

Elements of Artist Statement: What does artistic work mean to you?

  • What are you career dreams and goals?  
  • What sets you apart from other artists in your field?  
  • What is your strongest suit? What comes to you naturally? 
  • What are the values that guide your work?   
  • Which continuum and context is your work related to? 
  • Anything else you’d like to say about your personality or background? 

Sample Biographies from Different Disciplines of Art  

Max Musician (b. 2001) is a pianist and piano teacher. They have performed as a soloist for the Sibelius Academy Symphony Orchestra and given a recital in the Young Artists of Summer series. They have been characterized as a sparkling and diverse performer. In addition to their studies at the Sibelius Academy, they have attended several masterclasses with distinguished piano pedagogues including M. Master and G. Guru. Max Musician teaches piano and fundamentals of music at the Magnificent Music Institute, and as a pedagogue they are interested in discovering each student’s strengths and engaging them in improvisation and creative experimentation. Max also enjoys their part-time job as an accompanist for young instrumental students. 

Finn Fine-Artist (s. 1998) is an artist based in East Town, Finland, working mainly with experimental video and painting. They find inspiration in the beauty of nature and the complexity of humankind. They’re known for their courage to experiment with different approaches and forms of expression. Finn graduated with a Master of Fine Arts from the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of the Arts Helsinki in 2024. Their work was exhibited at the Kuvan Kevät Exhibition in 2022 and at the Contemp Gallery in 2023. In 2024, their artistic work is supported by the National Education Fund. 

Lil Lighting-Designer is a lighting designer and artist based in the Northern City region. Lil is currently pursuing a master’s degree in lighting design at the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki. Their fascination for hiding and revealing through light is featured in their latest projects, X (2023) and Y (2024).  They have worked with several independent performing arts companies and as part of their studies, they did an internship as an assistant lighting designer at the Northern City Theatre. In 2024-2025, their work will be shown at the Lux Festival and the Z Theatre.